Sedation Dentistry Specialist

Oasis Pediatric Dental Care & Orthodontics
Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry located in Falls Church City, Falls Church, VA
Dental procedures, such as pulp therapy and tooth filling, aren’t fun for anyone unless you get laughing gas. Sedation dentistry with nitrous oxide at Oasis Pediatric Dental Care & Orthodontics keeps your child feeling happy and relaxed as expert dentist Nathalie Phaeton, DDS, or Ki Youn Kil, DDS, repairs their teeth. In the bright and cheerful Oasis Pediatric Dental Care & Orthodontics office in Falls Church, Virginia, office, your child gets the procedures they need to preserve their oral health without pain, anxiety, or distress. Contact Oasis Pediatric Dental Care & Orthodontics about sedation dentistry by phone or online form.
Sedation Dentistry Q & A
What is sedation dentistry?
Sedation dentistry controls pain and discomfort during dental procedures with a variety of anesthetics. Oasis Pediatric Dental Care & Orthodontics usually uses nitrous oxide — also known as laughing gas —to help children enjoy their procedure. Nitrous oxide relaxes children, so they stay calm and don’t shift around or over-react when the dental instruments are in their mouths.
Is sedation dentistry safe for kids?
Sedation dentistry isn’t just safe for kids; it helps reduce stress and anxiety associated with dental procedures. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends nitrous oxide because it induces relaxation, blocks pain, and allows the dentist and child to communicate throughout the procedure.
When some children get nitrous oxide, they report a warm or tingling sensation. They don’t fall asleep with laughing gas but do feel very calm.
Once your child has nitrous oxide, they look forward to getting it again during their next dental appointment. Nitrous oxide isn’t addictive.
What happens when my child gets nitrous oxide?
Your child breathes a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen through a special mask. Within five minutes, they feel calm, lighthearted, and even euphoric.
After their dentist has finished treating their teeth, they have your child breathe pure oxygen. The oxygen clears out the remaining nitrous oxide. Your child completely recovers from the “laughing gas” within 2-3 minutes.
What are some other types of sedation dentistry?
If your child has special needs, is very young, or must undergo a long and complex procedure, nitrous oxide might not be the right choice for them. Your Oasis Pediatric Dental Care & Orthodontics dentist might recommend conscious sedation, intravenous (IV) sedation, which is administered in-office by an anesthesiologist, or outpatient general anesthesia, which is administered in a hospital.
What procedures require sedation dentistry?
If your child has dental fears or anxiety, nitrous oxide can help them even during a simple exam and cleaning. When your child is relaxed and happy, they won’t make sudden, jerking movements that could cause an injury. Sedation dentistry also subdues pain in more complex procedures, such as:
- Repairing a tooth
- Filling a tooth
- Bonding a chipped or cracked tooth
- Attaching a crown or veneer
To keep your child safe and happy at the dentist’s office, contact Oasis Pediatric Dental Care & Orthodontics about sedation dentistry by phone or book an appointment online.
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